Introduction Health-Choice

- Are you looking for a way to solve the underlying cause of your pain                      or tension rather than just alleviating the symptoms?
- Do you want to reduce your muscles stifness caused by prolonged                        sitting behind a desk and improve your joints mobility?
- Would you like to feel fit, healthier and more energetic?
- Do you want to prevent physical complaints from worsening?
- Do you want to prevent physical injuries?


Health Choice focuses on your total well-being by offering effective therapeutic massages, result-oriented personal training and rehabilitation training, tailored to your individual needs.The unique characteristics are the variety in and combinations of therapeutic massage and training:
- Personal training and mobility training
- Medical rehabilitation

- Functional massage:                                                                                                          fibromyalgia, sport, deep tissue and trigger point techniques
- Bootcamp / outdoor fitness

Specialisation in shoulder, neck, rotator cuff, lower back, hip and knee 


For  further information on massages, outdoor fitness or personal / rehabilitation training please click on the English version button located on the top menu bar .

Health-Choice PT studio 1


The practice is located on the Laan van Meerdervoort 289 (crossing Valkenbosplein / Duinoord area).
Free parking until 18.00. Tramline 3, 11, 12 and 34, busline 21 stops in the vicinity of the practice.

