The transmission of the Coronavirus mainly takes place via hand contact and mouth / nose droplets.
This is why Health-Choice has implemented even stricter hygiene measures. Your health and the health of your family as well as my health and the health of my family are paramount!
I do everything I can to treat you in the safest possible way but I rely on you to ensure my safety and the safety of my family.
This is why we will adhere strictly to all the conditions below for everyone’s hygiene and safety:
Do not come to the practice if you or someone in your household has 1 of the following symptoms (even mild):
fever ( > 37.2 °C), cough, running nose, throat ache, difficulty breathing.
Stay at home if someone in your household has been tested positive with coronavirus (COVID-19). You can become sick within the next 15 days after the first contact.
Do arrive on time to your appointment, preferably not too early or too late. Preferably come alone.
Use the toilet at home before the appointment.
Not mandatory at the moment: Wearing of a face mask is mandatory in the studio and practice.
Upon arrival:
You will sanitize your hands with alcohol-based solution (PodiSkin),
provided by Health Choice.
We will keep at all time a distance of 1.5 meter until you lay on the
massage table.
After treatment:
After each client treatment, all contact surfaces, the massage table or chair as well as any materials/equipment used will be disinfected. The disposable head covers will be thrown away in a closed bin and replaced with a new one. The windows will be opened to ventilate the room.
(the Health-Choice towels will be used only once and then washed at 60 degrees).
As always the practice will be cleaned every day.
I make use of extra personal protection equipment by using at all times an FFP2 mask and /or a face shield.
I will try to provide you with the best possible service and I thank you in advance for your understanding and your cooperation during this challenging times.